Real-Time Air Quality and Forecasts
OPAQ is an operational air quality prediction and mapping system enabling regions and cities to provide real-time air quality information and adequately warn their citizens of high pollution episodes.
It allows citizens and policymakers to take appropriate immediate short-term mitigation action.
Air Quality Assessment and Planning
Before appropriate measures can be taken to curb relevant air emissions an accurate assessment of the current situation is required. VITO offers different air quality assessment and planning tools to model high resolution air quality maps down to street level.
Emission Modelling
Effective air quality management heavily relies on the availability and the accuracy of emission datasets. At VITO, a dedicated team of emission modelling experts is covering all the relevant sectors. We ensure the highest quality of emission data for various types of application domains.
Industry and hot spot analysis
Using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) or advanced gaussian dispersion models, we help industry and urban planners better understand, analyse and mitigate the complex air pollution challenges they face at e.g. complex industrial and urban environments, tunnel portals...