
Net4Cities, a Horizon Europe project funded by the EU, focuses on real-time monitoring networks and transport emissions to develop customised zero pollution action plans for European cities.

Real-Time Monitoring Networks and Transport Emissions for Tailored Zero Pollution Action Plans in European Cities

Urban areas struggle with environmental and health problems caused by transport emissions, including air and noise pollution. To address this, Net4Cities is equipping 11 European cities with advanced monitoring systems to measure pollutants such as ultrafine particles, ammonia, black carbon and noise. Building upon this data the project aims to generate actionable insights to guide the development of effective and tailored transport policies.

Urban areas face significant environmental and health challenges due to transportation emissions. High population density and vehicle exhausts cause air and noise pollution, harming ecosystems and human health, and creating economic burdens.

Net4Cities aims to improve pollution monitoring in 11 European cities by installing state-of-the-art instrumentation to obtain real-time data on emerging air pollutants such as UFP, ammonia and black carbon, and on noise levels, to better understand the contribution of transport related sources to air and noise pollution.

Leading to tailored evidence-based support for implementing effective transport policies in each of the cities and beyond. 


Year: 2024 – 2027

Project partners: GFZ-RIFS - coordination, The Cyprus Institute, NILU, University Of Crete, Tecnalia, Airmodus, Jülich Forschungszentrum, Telraam, Universität Bremen, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelon, Tbilisi State University, DLR, VDI/VDE-IT, Vlaamse Milieumaatschappij, ZHAW, Earthsense

Website: Net4Cities

VITO's role

VITO’s air quality measurement and modelling teams are contributing to the following key activities:

  • WP1 Co-creative stakeholder engagement:  VITO and the partners GFZ-RIFS, NILU and VDI/VDE-IT are working very closely with each of the 11 partner cities to ensure that all relevant stakeholders are informed and involved to ensure that the monitoring plans, resulting data and policy tools are tailored to their needs and the needs of other European cities. From 2025 we will start to reach out beyond our partner cities to share our findings and experiences in tackling transport-related policy challenges. Keep an eye out on the Net4Cities website for more information and come see us in 2026 at our international workshop.
  • WP2 Air monitoring:  VITO is leading WP2. Our air monitoring experts have recently finished preparing the air quality monitoring plans together with the technical implementing partners and each of the 11 cities. It’s a fine balance between the practical and logistical arrangements that come hand in hand when installing new instrumentation and finding the optimal locations to best advise the local stakeholders, whilst considering their local challenges. This includes the plans for several remote sensing campaigns to gain more knowledge and data on vehicle emissions. Most of the devices should be in place by the end of March 2025 and will operate for at least a period of about 24months.
  • WP5 Source apportionment:  VITO’s air quality modelling experts together with EarthSense, will apply their extensive air quality modelling approaches.  One of the aims is to improve our understanding of the uncertainties of the underlying transport emissions that are used in the model when preparing air quality assessments and plans. This will be done based on fusion of the new air quality measurements and traffic activity data. This will lead to updated emissions that better reflect the actual air quality concentrations being modelled, thereby improving the models being used for policy support.  It will also provide important insights into the emissions factors being used in the transport emissions database. 

Next to this, VITO is working closely with Flanders Environment Agency and Antwerp city to assist in selection and installation of the new air quality, noise and traffic count monitors.  

For more information visit the Net4Cities website!

Lisa Blyth

ATMOSYS Services Business and Relations Manager
+32 14 33 67 57