Ambient Air Quality Directives revision

Study to support the impact assessment for a revision of the EU Ambient Air Quality Directives 

As part of the European Green Deal, the EU is revising the Ambient Air Quality Directives (AAQD) standards to align them more closely with the most recent recommendations of the World Health Organization released in 2021. The EU also aims to improve overall EU legislation for clean air, building on the lessons learnt from the 2019 evaluation (‘fitness check’) of the Ambient Air Quality Directives.

The aim of this study was to support the European Commission in the preparation of the impact assessment for the initiative ‘Air Quality: Revision of EU Rules’ (i.e. the EU Ambient Air Quality Directives).  To gather, assess and synthesize the evidence required to support the impact assessment.  In particular to support the analysis of different policy options.  The consortium comprised Trinomics (consortium lead), in collaboration with Ricardo, VITO, IIASA and MET Norway.

VITO was primarily providing expert advice to Policy area 3: strengthening of air quality monitoring, modelling and plans.  VITO’s key role was to lead the task on the quantification of health impacts of air pollution. 

The key outcomes of the project are available in the Impact Assessment Report which is available here.

Reference: FWC ENV/F1/FRA/2019/0001 Economic Analysis of Environmental Policies and Analytical Support in the Context of Better Regulation (SR28).