Ambient Air Quality Directives implementation

Strengthening of air quality monitoring, modelling and plans under the Ambient Air Quality Directives

In 2020 VITO participated in a consortium led by Ricardo, together with NILU and Trinomics to support EG Environment in “Strengthening of air quality monitoring, modelling and plans under the Ambient Air Quality Directives".

This involved mapping and analysing established practice across Member States to identify key issues related to implementation of the provisions for air quality monitoring, modelling and air quality plans that would benefit from further guidance or clearer requirements. The project team consulted with member state experts and stakeholders to seek their views and experiences on implementation of the provisions requiring air quality modelling support. VITO provided expertise and advice on air quality modelling and the air quality plans.

The project resulted in the identification of the main issues hindering effective implementation of the AAQ Directives from the perspective of the use of air quality models in both air quality assessments and plans.